Thursday, March 11, 2021

Rectorseal Metacaulk Firestop On Line Store

 Today's post is all about Metacaulk intumescent firestop putty .

Our first product is  the putty stick model 66345 by Rectorseal. Metacaulk® Intumescent Putty Sticks is a moldable non-curing one component fire-rated material for through-penetration firestop systems.  Metacaulk® Putty will intumesce when heated, forming an insulating char.  In the event of a fire, Metacaulk® Putty will prevent the spread of flames, smoke, gas, and water through penetration openings.  Metacaulk® Putty is applied by hand.  Mixing is never required and no special skills are necessary for installation.  

Metacaulk® Putty is rated for up to 3 hours in accordance with the ASTM E 814. UL 1479 and ULC/CAM4-S115M test standards.

Various Applications

  • Metal or Non-Metal Electric Boxes
  • Small Openings
  • EMT Pipe
  • Steel, Conduit, and Cabling (Telephone,  Power, Communications)
  • Possesses intumescent properties; expands when exposed to fire.
  • No Volatile Solvents, which makes it particularly useful when installing in confined spaces or occupied areas
  • Does not have Asbestos Fillers
  • A single component putty system; no mixing necessary and no required additives
  • DOT Classification is not regulated
  • Applied by hand
  • Easy to install
  • Adheres to all common building common surfaces.
  • Sound Transmission Class (STC) 60
  • CALL US AT  1-855-832-8453 FOR MORE INFO


Fire Rated Putty Stick Product Information

Product CodeSizeQuantity Per Case
18 Cubic Inches

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

PVC Trim Pieces and Accessories for Construction

 This post is about the Plastic PVC trim pieces used in commercial construction to give the interior and exterior a finished look.

The manufacturer we represent is located in Miami, Fl and is called Plastic Components. They make over  700 line items that are made to the industry's highest standards and are certified by ITS and Warnock- Hersey. Below are some of their most popular products. 

The exterior of commercial buildings are insulated and finished in several different methods .

1. EIFS-   See detailed explanation here

The following is a small selection of Plastic Components line items we sell for EIFS building systems

Reveal Intersections provide an Architectural Flair   Link to purchase Reveal Trim

Available in 3/8 inch to 4 inch reveal in choice of Cross, T, Inside Corner, outside corner, angle, End.

  Corner Bead -  Link to buy Corner Bead

Available from 1 1/2 inch to 4 inch wings

2 Piece Soffit w/ 90 Degree Leg-  Link to buy Soffit

Available in 2 5/8 to 6 inch vented area for  1/2 inch to 3/4 inch sheathing.

Ultra Lath Plus- Link to buy Ultra Lath Plus
1/4 inch Self furred Plastic Lath available in Rolls, Sheets and Strips

Extreme Moisture Starter Trac Link to buy Extreme Moisture Starter Trac

 All pieces are  3 inches tall with 1 to 3 inch bottoms

Visit Ebuildingproducts for a full line of Plastic Components PVC trim
Call us at  1-855-832-8453