Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Trowels and Floats

    This Weeks product review is on construction trowels and floats. There has always been
confusion as to what is the difference between  trowels and floats and when do use them. I guess I can  make a generalized statement that trowels are used to spread material such as drywall spackle,  mortar, adhesive, plaster and even  concrete and are not meant to be a finishing tool with the exception of a drywall finishing trowel Drywall curved finishing trowelCurry® Curved Stainless Steel Finishing Trowel and a plaster finishing trowel Marshalltown Finishing Trowels
Now you can  see why there is so much confusion.

Trowels can be notched if they are being used to spread mortar and  adhesive for laying tile and formstome.
Notched Trowel
Notched Trowels with Black Plastic Handle
What is a float ? A Float is used to provide a smooth finished look depending on what product you are working with. Float can have a rubber pad used to spread  tile grout. Floats are used to finish plaster and EIFS wall systems. Italian float Italian FloatE Building Product carries one of the most extensive selection on Trowels and floats made by Marshalltown. 

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